Hacienda Nápoles Theme Park

Explore the history and nature at Hacienda Nápoles.
21 de mayo de 2024

Hacienda Nápoles, located in Puerto Triunfo, Antioquia, is much more than a tourist destination. This iconic place has evolved from a traditional estate into a unique theme park, with a history that has left its mark on the region and the country. In this blog, we will explore the history, attractions, activities, and everything you need to know to visit this fascinating place. Hacienda Nápoles, once owned by the infamous drug lord Pablo Escobar, has been transformed into a theme park offering a variety of attractions and activities for everyone. From tours of the old estate to exciting safaris through the nature reserve, Hacienda Nápoles is a must-visit tourist destination in Colombia.

History of Hacienda Nápoles

La Hacienda Nápoles fue fundada en 1970 y durante décadas fue conocida por su producción agrícola y ganadera. Sin embargo, todo cambió en la década de 1980 cuando el narcotraficante colombiano Pablo Escobar adquirió la hacienda y la convirtió en su refugio personal. Durante su tiempo allí, Escobar construyó una serie de extravagantes edificaciones y trajo una variedad de animales exóticos, dando inicio a lo que hoy es conocido como el parque temático de la Hacienda Nápoles.Hacienda Nápoles was founded in 1970 and for decades was known for its agricultural and livestock production. However, everything changed in the 1980s when the Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar acquired the estate and turned it into his personal refuge. During his time there, Escobar built a series of extravagant buildings and brought in a variety of exotic animals, laying the groundwork for what is now known as the Hacienda Nápoles theme park.

After Pablo Escobar's death in 1993, the estate was confiscated by the Colombian government and remained abandoned for several years. In 2007, the property was acquired by a Colombian business group that decided to transform it into a theme park and entertainment center. They preserved some of the original attractions from Escobar's era while adding new attractions and services for visitors.

Today, Hacienda Nápoles is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Colombia, attracting thousands of visitors each year who come to explore its unique history and enjoy its various attractions and activities.

Attractions at Hacienda Nápoles

Hacienda Nápoles offers a wide range of attractions for its visitors, from natural experiences to themed entertainment. Here is a list of some of the most notable attractions:

Safari through the Nature Reserve: A vehicle tour through the estate's extensive nature reserve, where you can closely observe the local wildlife and flora, including species such as zebras, buffalo, giraffes, among others.

Hippopotamus Exhibit: The estate is famous for housing a population of hippos, descendants of those introduced by Pablo Escobar. In this attraction, visitors can observe these impressive animals in their natural habitat.

Jurassic Park: A unique experience that transports you to the era of the dinosaurs, featuring life-sized replicas of various species, including the famous Tyrannosaurus rex. Ideal for lovers of paleontology and natural history.

Zoo: The estate features a zoo that houses a variety of animals, from big cats to exotic birds, where you can learn about both local and global fauna.

Pools and Water Parks: For those looking to cool off and enjoy the sun, the estate offers pools and water parks with slides and games for all.

Car and Airplane Museum: An impressive collection of classic cars and vintage airplanes that will transport you to the golden age of the automotive and aviation industries.

1950s Hacienda: A recreation of a typical 1950s estate, where you can learn more about the history and culture of the region.

Activities at Hacienda Nápoles

  • Cycling or Walking Tours: Explore the extensive grounds of the estate by bike or on foot, enjoying the natural beauty and tranquility of the surroundings.
  • Guided Tours: Join guided tours of the estate, where experts will take you to learn about the history, fauna, and flora of the region, as well as the most interesting details of Pablo Escobar's life on the estate.

Opening Hours and Rates

Park Hours: Miercoles a domingo y lunes festivos de 9:00 am a 5:00 pm

Water Attractions Hours:

Low Season: Weekdays: Días de semana: 12:00 m a 4:00 pm | Sábados: 10:00 am a 5:00 pm | Domingos: 10:00 am a 5:00 pm.

High Season: 10:00 am a 5:00 pm.


  • Wild: $67.000
  • Adventure: $88.000
  • Safari: $122.000
  • Plus: $172.000

Can you review the plans and rates in detail on the official website of the Hacienda Nápoles Theme Park

Services and Accommodation

Restaurants and Culinary Options: La hacienda cuenta con varios restaurantes que ofrecen una variedad de opciones gastronómicas, desde comida típica de la región hasta platos internacionales. También hay cafeterías y puestos de comida rápida para satisfacer todos los gustos.

Lodging: The estate offers accommodation options for every taste and budget, from standard rooms to luxury suites. There are also lodging options in cabins and campsites for those who prefer a closer-to-nature experience.

Picnic Areas and Grills: For those who prefer enjoying a meal outdoors, the estate provides picnic areas equipped with grills for barbecuing.

Transportation Services: The estate offers transportation services within its facilities, such as tourist trains and buses, to facilitate the mobility of visitors.

Convention and Events Center: The estate has a convention and events center equipped with modern technology, ideal for conferences, meetings, and special events.

Visiting Tips

  • Check the opening and closing hours, as well as peak days, to avoid crowds and enjoy your visit more.
  • The estate has outdoor areas and activities that may require a lot of walking, so wear comfortable clothing and shoes. Additionally, protect yourself from the sun with a hat and sunscreen.
  • Don't forget to bring swimwear to enjoy the water attractions.
  • Although the estate has restaurants and food stalls, it is advisable to bring water and some snacks to stay hydrated and energized during the day.
  • The estate has a rich history and unique biodiversity. Respect the signs and stay on established paths to protect both the history and the environment.
  • To learn more about the history and fauna of the estate, participate in guided activities that offer interesting and curious information.
  • Some attractions may be thrilling, but remember to follow safety rules and respect other visitors.
  • If possible, purchase your tickets in advance to avoid long lines at the entrance, before you go, check the weather forecast to bring appropriate clothing and be prepared for possible weather changes.

Visiting Hacienda Nápoles is a unique experience that allows you to immerse yourself in the history and culture of the region in a fun and educational way. As you explore its grounds and enjoy its attractions, you can learn about the rich history of the estate, from its humble beginnings as a traditional hacienda to its transformation into an impressive theme park.

Furthermore, by visiting the estate, you are contributing to the conservation of this important historical and natural heritage. The estate has been carefully restored and maintained to ensure its preservation, and the revenue generated by visitors helps fund conservation and environmental education projects in the region.

Not only will you enjoy a day filled with fun and adventure, but you'll also be supporting the protection of local biodiversity and the promotion of sustainable tourism in the area. Don't miss the opportunity to visit Hacienda Nápoles and live an unforgettable experience while contributing to making the world a better place!

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